If you wish to contribute to the dissemination of the work and thought of Carlos G. Vallés, you may donate to the Foundation. With it, you will help us to keep alive the figure of Carlos, through our initiatives and activities. These are the bank details:


0182 1364 3402 0152 4699
ES83 0182 1364 3402 0152 4699

The GONZÁLEZ VALLÉS FOUNDATION, as a non-profit entity (Article 2 of Law 49/2.002), grants a right to a deduction in the total tax liability for donations, gifts and contributions made on its behalf by individuals or companies (Article 17 of Law 49/2.002).

These persons or companies, whether resident or not, will be entitled to the aforementioned deduction in their respective personal taxes (Personal Income Tax, Corporate Tax or Non-Resident Income Tax), for which this Foundation will justify such amounts through a certificate that will be issued in which the following will be expressly stated: Identification of the donor, express mention that the GONZÁLEZ VALLÉS FOUNDATION is the beneficiary of the patronage, date and amount of the donations and destination to be given to the donated property.

Fundación González Vallés

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